What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a catch-all term that refers to six naturally occurring minerals called silicate minerals. These materials work very well as electric insulators, are resistant to heat, and thus became ubiquitous in buildings through the 1900s. Unfortunately, it was eventually discovered that when asbestos gets into the air, it can have serious negative health consequences for human beings that are exposed to it. Nowadays, buildings are not made using asbestos, but there’s always a possibility that asbestos could be found in old buildings. Here at Downright Demolition, we offer asbestos testing and removal services in Edmonton and the surrounding areas.

Asbestos Testing

Asbestos testing is something that should only ever be done by a qualified professional. Asbestos cannot be seen by the naked eye, which is why materials need to be gathered and submitted to an CEPA certified laboratory for testing. Remember, most provinces do not allow for anybody but an CEPA certified contractor to test for asbestos.

We offer asbestos testing services in Edmonton and the surrounding areas. If you have come into possession of an old home or building, we can give you the peace of mind knowing it was built using materials that are safe for humans to be around. If we do find any evidence of asbestos, we can also help you get rid of it.

Asbestos Removal

All asbestos removal services in Canada must be completed by a CEPA licensed contractor. During our Edmonton asbestos removal service, occupants will not be allowed near the removal area. We try to keep open availability so that our removal service causes as little disruption as possible, but please note that there are no exceptions about quarantining the area once removal has started.

If you find evidence of asbestos in your building, it’s very important that you hire a certified asbestos removal service as soon as possible. This will ensure the safety of yourself and anyone else who may enter the building.

Relocation Projects

Residential properties are less likely to be relocation projects, but it can happen. On site removal and alterations, non-intrusive services, and affordable insurance provisions can all be implemented using residential selective demolition.


Building Extensions

Oftentimes homeowners buy a home for its future renovation potential. Unfortunately, what a person wants done to their home and what can be done are two different things. If the current layout of a structure prevents the addition of building extensions, then selective demolition may be the perfect option. It can allow for the creation of a new entryway, the extrication of stairwells to expand areas, removal of entry areas and archways, and the re-proportioning of your general building structure.


Environmental Safety

Selective demolition isn’t just used for remodeling purposes. Oftentimes it can be necessary for environmental safety reasons. For instance, a plumbing system that becomes entangled by roots can end up spilling drainage water full of harmful chemicals into the ground, potentially contaminating environments or water sources.

Do You Have Asbestos In Your Building?

For more information about our Edmonton asbestos testing and removal services, please reach out to us at your earliest convenience. One of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

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