Asbestos Assessment

It’s extremely important (and required by law) to test a building for asbestos before demolition. There are federal (and sometimes provincial and local) regulations to follow for demolition when a certain threshold of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are found in a building.


Mold spores are another common safety hazard that can be released during demolition, and should also be tested for prior to starting a demolition job. While most mold spores are probably harmless, some can be extremely dangerous if breathed in.


It’s extremely important (and required by law) to test a building for asbestos before demolition. There are federal (and sometimes provincial and local) regulations to follow for demolition when a certain threshold of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are found in a building.

Our Edmonton Demolition Consulting Process

We offer demolition consulting services for all phases of the demolition process:
  • Project Coordination
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Stakeholder Briefings
  • Estimating
  • Project Specifications and Tender Documents
  • Regulatory Approvals
  • Tender Coordination
  • Pre-condition Surveys of Surrounding Properties
  • Vibration Monitoring
  • Contract Administration
  • Site Supervision
  • Contract Closeout

Not only are we available throughout the demolition process, but our consulting service is tailored to help you meet specific demolition project objectives and constraints.

Demolition waste management

  • Environmental liabilities and constraints (including hazardous building materials and site contamination)
  • Resource recovery opportunities through the identification of materials and equipment which can be reused or recycled to achieve diversion rates required by project specifications or certification standards (e.g. LEED™)
  • Site issues and constraints affecting the demolition (e.g. a project setting within an occupied residential neighborhood)
  • Timelines for planning, specifications preparation, demolition, and clean-up activities
  • Coordination requirements related to occupied spaces, safety, utilities, traffic routes, noise and security
  • Regulatory requirements and best practice guidelines applicable to the project
  • Recommended contractor prequalification requirements

About Downright Demolition

We have over 50 years of experience in the demolition industry, and we are happy to bring it to bear for your benefit by sending a professional Edmonton consultant to help you create a detailed, effective demolition plan. Our risk management and quality assurance processes are tested, proven, and easy to implement.

Contact Us Today

If you think that your job could benefit from professional Edmonton demolition consulting services, we would be happy to go over them in detail. Give us a call at 780-906-3366 at your earliest convenience and one of our friendly and knowledgeable team members will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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